Renew Counselling and Training



Recognising that ministry can be challenging, Renew offers specialised, confidential counselling to clergy and their families through the Diocese of Chelmsford.  

Ministry brings particular and unique stresses. These stresses can often affect both the clergy and their spouses and families, leading to a number of difficulties in coping with life. In these circumstances, people often benefit from confidential and independent help outside of the church’s structures.  

You can be assured that counselling at Renew is completely confidential. Bishops and archdeaconds will not know who is coming for counselling. 

How does the process work?

How does the process work?

Contact the Bishop of Chelmsford Advisor for Pastoral Care and Counselling, David Blackledge to arrange counselling with Renew:
Phone 02082627690 

about your counselling sessions

Counselling will happen at the same time, in the same place with the same person every week. Counselling sessions usually last about 50 minutes.  

The counselling provided for clergy is short-term and solution-focused. You will usually have 12 sessions with us, although in exceptional circumsrances the counselling may be extended beyond 12 sessions.  

Every session is confidential to the service. This means that nothing will be discussed with anyone outside Renew unless there is risk, and in almost all cases we would want to talk with you before disclosing any information to anyone else. 

Paying for your sessions

You will be invited to contribute towards your counselling, the remainder is funded by the diocese. You can discuss funding options during your initial conversations with the team.

Click the button below to learn more about how Renew is funded. 

Any questions?

If you’re unsure about any of the information on this page, or would like a further chat before booking your initial assessment, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Meet our counsellors

We are proud to employ over 60 skilled counsellors across our centres. Many of our counsellors have individual areas of interest and a wealth of experience.

In line with our ethos, all counsellors are trained to a high professional standard and are registered to/accredited by a recognised professional body, abiding by the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) Code of Ethics.

Learn more about our counsellors by clicking the link below.