Renew Counselling and Training

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Support renew

It’s clear that the number of people struggling with their mental health is on the rise. The number of young people and adults living in poverty or facing unemployment has also increased considerably in recent years. 

Every day, we see the impact: more people of all ages and backgrounds are needing help to cope with what life throws at them. But severe cuts in the funding of mental health services mean that every year, we have less resources to deal with an ever-growing list of people needing our help.   

We know that counselling empowers people to make important changes, and in an ideal world we would be able to deliver affordable counselling to everyone that needs it. Your donations go a long way in helping us to make this a reality. 

Find out how your donation helps facilitate our vital work and how you can support us below. 

donate now

We truly appreciate every single donation that we receive, no matter how big or small. You
can pledge to donate £5 (or another amount) a month by entering your details in the box

Alternatively, you can donate through Amazon Smile, Give As You Live, Virgin Money
Giving, Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) or Paypal. 
NB: Please remember to tick the Gift Aid box if you want Renew to treat all donations you have made this tax year and the
four years prior to the year of this declaration, and all donations you make from the date of this declaration until you notify
us otherwise, as Gift Aid donations.


On average, our counsellors deliver around 1200 sessions of counselling a month, which works out as about 720,000 minutes of counselling a year. Our counsellors help people with issues including depression, anxiety, eating disorders and others. Many of the people that come to see us may not have been able to afford counselling without our support. Your donation will ensure that someone in need of help gets the service that they need.

We’ve always been aware of the importance of counselling, but in the wake of the pandemic in particular, we’ve seen that it is a lifeline for many. We’ve spoken to people that feel low, unable to leave their homes and are plagued by anxiety as a result of the pandemic. 

This impact on mental health will be felt for years to come, and your donation can help us to support the many people who will need us.  

Each counselling session costs us £48.00 to deliver. We receive some funding from various organisations, and clients contribute what they can afford towards their sessions. However, the cost of delivering counselling is £100,000 more than we raise each year. Your donation, however big or small, will go a long way in helping us to continue providing our vital service.

"She felt much more able to cope with her feelings, and to seek help when she needed it."


We’re incredibly grateful to anyone that fundraises for Renew – whether that’s through running marathons, baking cakes or even making worry dolls! You can learn more about fundraising opportunities on the Get Involved page.  

If your business, community group or organisation would like to fundraise towards a specific goal, why not raise money for a bursary place? By raising £1200, you could provide 24 sessions of counselling to someone in need.  Get in touch with our centres to find out more. 


We depend more and more on generous gifts from individuals and churches to meet the growing needs of our local communities in East London and Essex. If you’d like to make a real difference, you could consider leaving a legacy. 

By remembering Renew in your Will, you will help to ensure that future generations of people struggling with mental health issues can access high-quality, affordable counselling. Your gift could enable someone to make a fresh start or turn their life around. 

All gifts are greatly appreciated and will be acknowledged and honoured. If you have already made your Will and would like to include Renew Counselling and Training, please ask your solicitor about a Codicil. If you have not yet written a Will, we suggest that you speak to a solicitor. 

If you have included Renew in your Will, please do let us know so that we can honour you during your lifetime. To find out more, please get in touch with our team. 


Sponsorship is a fantastic way to support Renew whilst generating great brand awareness amongst your customers and our supporters. We can work with your business to hold events, feature you in our marketing materials and provide opportunities for staff to give back to the community.  Benefits to your business 
  • Build links with your local community. Affirming the company’s attitude to social responsibility creates the appropriate narrative regarding your relationship with your community. 
  • Increase customer loyalty. A Neilson survey in 2016 revealed that more than half of all participants felt that a brand being known for its social value was a real purchasing driver.  
To find out how we can work together, get in touch with Senior Offices Manager Emma Smith via the contact form below.