Renew Counselling and Training

Essex Charity Offers Insight into Counselling Careers: Free ‘Counsellor Discovery’ Sessions Launched for Mental Health Awareness Week

Renew Counselling and Training, a leading Essex charity dedicated to improving mental health and wellbeing, has launched a series of free ‘Counsellor Discovery’ sessions as part of Mental Health Awareness Week. This initiative aims to provide individuals with a glimpse into the world of counselling, particularly targeting those who may not have previously considered this career path.

The counselling sector is experiencing a recruitment crisis, with a significant shortage of skilled professionals. Moreover, the NHS ‘Talking Therapies’ Review in 2023 found that 80% of NHS talking therapists were white and female, a pattern seen across the counselling profession. Local charity Renew is working to address this disparity by encouraging a broader range of people, especially those from underrepresented backgrounds, to explore a career in counselling.

“These ‘Counsellor Discovery’ sessions offer a unique opportunity for individuals to explore the field of counselling and consider whether it might be the right path for them,” said Nikki Schuster, Chief Executive at Renew Counselling and Training. “We believe that by broadening the pool of potential counsellors, we can create a more inclusive and representative mental health sector.”

Renew’s mission is to make counselling accessible to everyone who needs it, regardless of background or circumstances. The charity offers a variety of training programmes at different levels, from introductory courses to a Diploma and BA Top-Up, allowing individuals to choose the path that suits them best.

“We’re reaching out to new audiences because we believe that a more diverse counselling workforce leads to better outcomes for everyone,” said Nikki. “These sessions are a way to connect with people who might have the right skills and compassion but haven’t had the opportunity to explore counselling as a career.”

The free ‘Counsellor Discovery’ sessions will take place over the summer at Renew’s Chelmsford centre. Renew encourages anyone with an interest in mental health and a desire to help others to attend and learn more about the possibilities of a career in counselling.

For more information about Renew Counselling and Training, the ‘Counsellor Discovery’ sessions, or our training programs, please visit or contact Michelle Allen on 01245 264348 or email