Renew Counselling and Training

Reflecting on 20 Years at Renew Counselling and Training

Nikki Schuster, CEO

As I sit down to reflect on 20 years at Renew Counselling and Training, I’m struck by how much has changed—not just within our charity, but across the mental health sector as a whole.

The journey has been full of challenges, opportunities, and significant growth, both for our organisation and for the countless individuals we have had the privilege of supporting.

The changing face of mental health

When I first joined Renew Counselling as a counsellor back in 2004, the landscape of mental health support looked very different. The stigma surrounding mental health issues was a significant barrier for many, with fewer people seeking help and even fewer feeling comfortable discussing their struggles openly. At that time, counselling was often seen as a last resort, something people turned to only when they were at breaking point. There were limited affordable options available, and many individuals in underserved communities had little to no access to professional mental health support.

Fast-forward to today, and the sector has transformed. Conversations about mental health have moved into the mainstream, and there’s a growing awareness that looking after our mental health is just as important as our physical well-being.

Initiatives like Mental Health Awareness Week, improved media representation, and government campaigns have played a role in this shift. The demand for services like ours has skyrocketed, and while this shows a positive reduction in stigma, it also demonstrates just how critical mental health support has become for many people in the UK.

The journey isn’t always easy…

However, with this progress comes new challenges. The demand for counselling services continues to outpace available resources, and organisations like ours constantly face the pressure of delivering high-quality care while operating on limited budgets.

Affordability remains a major issue in mental health care. Many of the individuals who need support the most often cannot afford to pay for private therapy. This is why Renew has always been committed to providing low-cost and accessible counselling services to children, young people, and adults alike, ensuring that those who need help can receive it, regardless of financial circumstances.

Another key challenge lies in the breadth and depth of mental health provision. While there is an increasing number of services available, not all offer the comprehensive support that individuals may require. Some mental health interventions might take a “one-size-fits-all” approach, offering generic solutions that may not fully address the unique needs of each client.

I’m so proud that Renew has always made providing client-led, bespoke services a priority. Every individual who walks through our doors is different, and their experiences, struggles, and needs are unique. We tailor our counselling and psychotherapeutic interventions to meet those needs, ensuring that the care we offer is personalised and responsive. This client-centred approach is at the heart of everything we do and is, I believe, one of the reasons that so many people have found lasting help through our services. We understand that there is no “quick fix” for mental health, and we are committed to walking alongside each person on their journey, offering them the specific support they need to heal and grow.

The positive impact

In spite of these challenges, there have been countless positive developments at Renew. Over the past year alone, we’ve delivered nearly 15,000 counselling sessions and supported more than 1,300 individuals on their mental health journeys. These numbers, though impressive, only tell part of the story. Behind each session is a person—a child learning how to manage their anxiety, a parent finding the tools to rebuild their relationships, or a young person overcoming the debilitating effects of depression.

One of the things I’m most proud of is how far-reaching our impact has become. From our beginnings as West Ham Central Mission in 1904 to the comprehensive and compassionate service we provide today, Renew has evolved into an essential lifeline for many. We’ve grown not only in the number of people we help but also in the depth and breadth of the services we provide. Whether it’s counselling, training, supervision, or partnerships with other organisations, our reach extends across Essex and beyond, supporting individuals of all ages.

Our dedicated team of counsellors, supervisors, and volunteers are at the heart of this impact. It is their passion, expertise, and commitment to those we serve that has allowed Renew to become a trusted provider of mental health support.

Over the past two decades, I have been privileged to work alongside these professionals who share my belief in the power of counselling to transform lives.

Looking ahead

As I look ahead to the future of Renew and the mental health sector in general, I see both exciting opportunities and important challenges. The need for support is growing, and our mission remains as crucial as ever. While the sector will continue to evolve, our values of client-led, bespoke care will remain constant.

I am committed to ensuring that Renew continues to offer personalised, compassionate, and accessible support for everyone who needs it, regardless of background or financial situation. We will continue to grow, innovate, and respond to the needs of the communities we serve, always staying true to our ethos of providing tailored, high-quality care.

Finally, we must remain focused on sustainability. Securing funding and ensuring that our services are both accessible and high-quality will require us to innovate continuously. We will need to deepen our partnerships with local authorities, health services, and other charities, as well as look for new ways to diversify our funding streams.

A small part of Renew’s long history

As I celebrate 20 years at Renew Counselling, I am filled with gratitude for the incredible journey this charity has taken. I feel deeply honoured to be part of an organisation with such a rich and long-standing history. Being part of that legacy, and helping to shape the future of Renew, has been both a privilege and a responsibility that I carry with immense pride. While the road hasn’t always been easy, the impact we’ve made on individuals and families across Essex, East London and beyond is undeniable.

I remain deeply committed to our mission to provide affordable, accessible, and compassionate mental health support to those who need it most. The mental health sector may continue to change, but our values and dedication to our clients will remain constant.

Thank you to everyone who has been part of this journey, and here’s to the next 20 years.

Nikki Schuster
Chief Executive